Wheel of Fortune (2)/Season Weekly Total. References Edit ↑ statring from S32,minimum cash prize matching the current season number. ↑ 1 prize is unknown ↑ Likely to keep with the '30' theme, this episode is moved up from its originally intended air date of the 31st.
Wheel Of Fortune Game Show Newsnet
Home > AcknowledgementsBecause without other help, this would never get done. Special thanks to: - alt.game-shows, for providing a ton of recaps from the mid-90s.
- Andrew (nowhammies11), for providing puzzles from Season 13.
- Andy Nguyen (an007), for recapping shows from Seasons 26 and on.
- Daniel Benfield (WarioBarker/Sajak), for helping with Bobby's timeline, creating a video archive, and providing most of the information for the Daytime Compendium and Appendix pages (as well as many pre-Season 7 puzzles).
- Evil Petting Zoo, for its puzzle solutions from 2003-2008.
- Gameshowguy2000, for adding tons of videos to Daniel's video archive and providing me the link to GSNN.
- Game Show NewsNet, for its recaps from 2005 and on.
- Kori Planston (mysterywedge/arcticthunder21), for doing lots of retro recaps on Wheel of Fortune Lovers, and doing some guesswork for puzzles from 2003-2005.
- MarioGS, for providing some puzzles from the show, and for reviewing Kori's and I's work.
- Mark Liotta (WheelFan17), for his 'runs' of the Wheel of Fortune Wii game, where I got some of the Wii puzzles from.
- Scorpz, where I got the idea for the category frequency charts from.
- Steve Munk (wheeldoc), for providing the puzzles from his shows.
- WayoshiM, for creating an HTML program that makes our lives easier.
- Wheel of Fortune Solutions, which allowed me to play catch-up with Seasons 27 and 28.
- All various members of YouTube, DailyMotion, and RuTube, for putting up videos.
And finally, last but certainly not least, 'Jess Boutaille' (Prizes) and cu2010 for running the Buy a Vowel Boards site, for without it, this site would never have existed. |
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